6120 Blackstone Blvd
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
The Document Review Committee (DRC) of the Fox Point HOA Board of Directors will conduct its initial meeting on Wednesday 5 April at 7pm in the Clubhouse to review and update the Fox Point HOA Architectural Guidelines. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss how the committee will proceed and determine what tasks need to be accomplished for the Board to declare success. HOMEOWNER PARTICIPATION in this review is not only requested, it is highly encouraged … Greater neighborhood involvement will lead to better results.
This DRC review will be conducted in two concurrent segments over several months. During the first we will be discussing whether any changes need to be made in the process of submitting an Architectural Change Request and, if necessary, appealing a decision by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The second segment will deal with the specific guidelines and whether any need to be updated or deleted, and whether any new ones need to be added.
We look forward to seeing you on the 5th!
Chuck Hess, Chairman