Good evening. As many of you may have noticed the Annual Meeting Notice you received in the past few days was post marked this week. Unfortunately this is not in compliance with the 10 (day) minimum Fox Point’s documents require for a notice such as this. I have spent the last couple days tracking down the reason and it appears to have been due to an unforeseen delay with the printing/ mailing company used on large items such as this. I have followed up with the company to take corrective action. Regardless, because the notice was not placed in the mail in the required amount of time the 2016 Annual Meeting will need to be rescheduled and a new notice sent next week. The new date selected by the Board is Monday December 19th. You will receive more information in the mail next week. This notice will shortly be placed on the Association Website, in addition to signs being placed in the community and at the clubhouse this weekend. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, as though situations like this are rare they are not unheard of.
Christopher Engleright CMCA AMS
Community Association Manager
923 Maple Grove Dr, Suite 201 | | Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Main 540-891-8677